29 يناير 2018

Google launches its smart camera "Clips"اخر الاخبار

Google launches its smart camera "Clips"
1) _ Google uses a camera artificial intelligence to distinguish the appropriate moments to take pictures or video (Reuters)

2) Google has discovered a new small camera called Klebs, which uses artificial intelligence to take pictures or videos when you see something worth shooting. The company did not say much about the camera, but it started on Saturday to put it on sale on its website.

3) The camera costs $ 249, shipped to the user's address for free (within the United States), but according to the Engadget website, it appears that Google has stopped receiving orders for the new camera and has turned potential customers into a waiting list, An e-mail message when the camera is available again.

4) Those who were able to make purchase orders noted that the delivery dates for the camera ranged from 27 February to 5 March.

5), a 5-square-meter camera, a 12-megapixel camera sensor, a 130-degree viewing range, and 16GB internal storage that can save up to three hours of video. Her artificial intelligence was trained by professional photographers.

6) Klebs prepares a different kind of camera, where Google targets parents who take many pictures of their children. She thought that the camera was set up somewhere in the house or outside, waiting for the right moment to take pictures, while children in the garden, for example.

7) Many people are not comfortable with the idea of ​​a Google camera that always monitors their movements, but the company pointed out that the camera takes most of its work through its own hardware, and does not send anything to external servers.

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