31 يناير 2018

A record high in the price of gold اخر الاخبار ارتفاع قياسي في سعر الذهب

شكرا على تعليقك

1) Gold prices rose Wednesday from a one-week low reached in the previous session as the dollar fell against a basket of major currencies as traders awaited the results of the Federal Reserve's two-day meeting.

2) Spot gold rose 0.4 percent to $ 1343.51 an ounce by 0738 GMT. In the previous session, the metal touched its lowest level since January 23 at $ 1334.10 an ounce.

3) Gold in US futures rose 0.4% to $ 1339.80 an ounce.

4) Gold prices edged higher for the third month in a row and rose 3.1 percent since the start of January, the best monthly performance since August, largely due to a weaker dollar.

5) The US central bank is expected to keep interest rates unchanged on Wednesday as it hints at a gradual tightening of monetary policy later in the year as the US economy continues to grow and employment growth remains strong.

6) The dollar slipped against a basket of currencies on Wednesday, showing a lean response to President Trump's State of the Union speech.

7) Among other precious metals, silver rose 0.4 percent to $ 17.20 an ounce after hitting a one-week low of $ 17.03 an ounce earlier in the session.

8). Palladium rose 0.4 percent to $ 1058.74 an ounce after falling nearly 3 percent in the previous session to a five-week low of $ 1,047 an ounce.

Platinum rose 0.7 percent to $ 1002.90 an ounce. The metal has gained 8.4 percent since the start of the month, heading towards the best monthly performance since January 2017.

29 يناير 2018

Google launches its smart camera "Clips"اخر الاخبار

Google launches its smart camera "Clips"
1) _ Google uses a camera artificial intelligence to distinguish the appropriate moments to take pictures or video (Reuters)

2) Google has discovered a new small camera called Klebs, which uses artificial intelligence to take pictures or videos when you see something worth shooting. The company did not say much about the camera, but it started on Saturday to put it on sale on its website.

3) The camera costs $ 249, shipped to the user's address for free (within the United States), but according to the Engadget website, it appears that Google has stopped receiving orders for the new camera and has turned potential customers into a waiting list, An e-mail message when the camera is available again.

4) Those who were able to make purchase orders noted that the delivery dates for the camera ranged from 27 February to 5 March.

5), a 5-square-meter camera, a 12-megapixel camera sensor, a 130-degree viewing range, and 16GB internal storage that can save up to three hours of video. Her artificial intelligence was trained by professional photographers.

6) Klebs prepares a different kind of camera, where Google targets parents who take many pictures of their children. She thought that the camera was set up somewhere in the house or outside, waiting for the right moment to take pictures, while children in the garden, for example.

7) Many people are not comfortable with the idea of ​​a Google camera that always monitors their movements, but the company pointed out that the camera takes most of its work through its own hardware, and does not send anything to external servers.

The famous billionaire George Soros launches a scathing attack on Facebook and Google and criticizes Trump

And Putin Soros:
Google and Facebook become semi-monopolistic distributors of information and must be subject to strict laws (Reuters)

The famous American billionaire George Soros at the Davos Forum launched a scathing attack on technology giants in the world, calling them monopolies manipulated by tyrants to subvert democracies. Soros also criticized US presidents Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

1) Soros poured out his anger at technology giants in the Silicon Valley at a traditional annual dinner at the Davos Forum in Switzerland. He said those companies needed tougher controls,
2) Soros pointed out that Facebook and Google control half of online advertising revenues, even though they are just informants.

In an address to the participants, the 87-year-old billionaire said that Facebook and Google "have become semi-monopolistic distributors, making them public institutions, and should be subject to stricter laws aimed at maintaining competition and innovation and that global communication is fair and open .

4) Monopoly and tyranny
Soros predicted that technology giants would involve themselves in access to key markets such as China, which would create "an alliance of autocratic countries and large IT monopolists with a huge amount of data." The billionaire predicted that governments would begin to regulate technology more aggressively, "Davos is a good place to advertise that their days are numbered," he said, referring to technology companies.

5) George Soros, known for his successes in the currency trade sector, called the "typical bubble" but said that this virtual currency would probably avoid a complete collapse, because tyrants still wanted to use it to make secret investments abroad.

6) The Russian president rules a "mafia state" and described the president as a "danger to the world," but he predicted that the attractiveness of Donald Trump would not last, and that "it is a temporary phenomenon in every sense and will disappear in 2020 or even before that "He said.

Last year, he warned that the boom in financial markets would end after Trump was elected, China's economic growth rate was unsustainable, while China's growth rate continued to rise, US equity markets are currently at record levels.

28 يناير 2018

Mueller stalks Facebook employee

Mueller stalks Facebook employee

Investigations Robert Müller's team is considering whether Trump's electoral campaign colluded with Russia (French)

1) The Office of Inquiry into Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 US election, headed by Robert Mueller, interviewed at least one Facebook social networking employee.

2) See whether the Donald Trump campaign has any role in the allegations of Russian intervention.

3) Facebook and other social networking platforms have emerged as key players in Muller and his team, not only because the company sent some of its staff to work with the Trump digital team in San Antonio, Texas, but because it sold more than 3,000 ads on Facebook and Instagram
| For bogus accounts linked to A Russian propaganda group called | Internet Research Agency (Research Research). |
4) The Mueller office that spoke to a Facebook employee may not necessarily implicate Facebook in any irregularities.
Müller's investigations were not limited to Facebook, but also to many technical companies. The Cambridge Special Investigation Bureau asked Analytica - a company that provided graphical analysis of the Trump campaign - to provide him with e-mail related to the case.

5) Both Google and Twitter have collaborated with the Trump campaign by sending employees to work with their team in San Antonio. Wired said Google, Facebook and Twitter also collaborated with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign, but did not hit her employees with her campaign.
_____ The three companies also sold advertisements for the Russian Internet Research Agency ___

Source: US Press

Mueller team

26 يناير 2018

News Google reveals a new update to its main browser, "Google Chrome" adds two exceptional advantages

Google has revealed a new update to its

main browser, "Google Chrome" adds two exceptional advantages.
She explained that the first feature, still under trial, which is related to the support of the browser, the "desktop" and "mobile devices" will support the presentation of 3D segments using the "virtual reality and enhanced," according to the newspaper "The Independent" British.
1) The first feature: It will enable developers to create 3D objects and insert them in their sites to view them on all devices that open the browser.
   2) The second feature is directly related to the user. It gives him or her the ability to silence Google Chrome or block access to any site that he considers disturbing.

3) The user can also: Silence those sites that play videos automatically as soon as sites are opened, to avoid exploiting Internet packages from users.

In order to activate this feature, it is necessary to click on the site's task bar at the top left of the browser and select the mute icon to activate the videos automatically.

She noted that the feature is available in Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome 64 operating systems.

23 يناير 2018

Britain formed a unit to deal with me (false news)

British Prime Minister Teresa Mae said Tuesday that the government would set up a new unit to deal with "false news" and try to deter those seeking to exploit the news to influence events in the country.👈http://swiftation.com/4sqa

the world . Europe

"We are living in an age of false news and competing stories," the spokesman told reporters. "The government will respond by using more and better national security communications to deal with these complex and intertwined challenges."

"We will build on existing capabilities by establishing a National Security Communications Unit, which will be responsible for combating incorrect information," he said.

"The unit will deter our opponents more systematically and help us achieve our national security priorities," he said.

22 يناير 2018

Profit from the Internet

Profit from the Internet

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21 يناير 2018

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18 يناير 2018

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16 يناير 2018

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Download this funny video👇
Descargar este video divertido👇
Téléchargez cette vidéo drôle👇
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15 يناير 2018


Mark Zuckerberg loses $ 3.3 billion after changing news display on Facebook👇👇👇

LONDON - Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, lost $ 3.3 billion after a change in news circulation on his Web site, The Independent newspaper reported.
The newspaper says that Zuckerberg's decision to change the way the Facebook site in the news show led to a loss of about 3.3 billion dollars, which means that his wealth shrank by about 4.4 per cent, according to statistics

14 يناير 2018

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13 يناير 2018

O aplicativo mais legal para traduzir todos os idiomas para download é baixado no link de download do Google Play diretamente
The coolest application to translate all languages ​​to download is downloaded down on the download link from Google Play directly
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La aplicación más genial para traducir todos los idiomas para descargar se descarga en el enlace de descarga de Google Play directamente
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ربح المال بتفصيلThe profit method of the Internet is used in detail

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